Friday, August 29, 2014

How should we move???


This week in Large Group, we talked about different ways we can move our bodies and the parts of our bodies that move.  We moved our hands, our feet, our heads, our arms, our legs and even our stomachs!!  As part of our daily routine, the kids get to choose how the class should move from our group activities to our tables.  This helps the kids think and plan and then use their words to tell us how we should move.  It also gets the kids moving, helps work on gross motor skills and body awareness as well as,  pretend play.  Some of the ways we practiced moving a dog, a chicken, a pig and a snake.  We also practiced marching, skipping and jumping.  We even used more abstract thinking and language skills to move like the wind, like leaves falling from trees and like raindrops.  To end our activity, we danced to the song "Monkey in the Middle".  We all took turns being the monkey and choosing how we wanted to move our bodies and all of our friends followed.  You can play this game at home too.  Turn on some music and stand in a circle and have the "monkey in the middle" move their body while everyone else follows.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Welcome to my blog!!  I'm so excited for this school year and the opportunity I will have to work with so many cute preschool kiddos!  I'm trying something new this year by starting a blog as a way to share what we are doing in preschool and share some ideas of things you can do at home to help your child with their speech and/or language skills.  Come back soon to check out what's going on in our class!