Friday, September 25, 2015

Little Bug

Little Bug, Little Bug

This week in Large Group we practiced saying the "b" sound in the song, Bouncy, Bouncy, Bouncy.  We stood up and bounced as we sang the song.  We also used our hands to say the words stop, wait and go.

We played a game called Little Bug, Little Bug.  
We talked about how bugs are quiet and they like to hide.  We looked at some different rugs and used our words to say out loud what color each rug was.  We put the little bug on, next to, behind, in front of and under the rug and used our words to say where little bug was.  We hid our eyes while Teacher Heidi hid little bug under a rug.  We each had a turn to guess which color rug we thought little bug was hiding under. We tapped our hands on our knees while we asked little bug if he was under that color rug.  We said these words to little bug....
Little Bug, Little Bug are you under the (guess a color) rug????

Teacher Heidi moved the rug and we looked and said yes we see little bug or no, he's not there.  This activity helped us learn to answer yes/no questions, identify colors, identify prepositions, make choices, ask a question and use the word "not".  We had a lot of fun looking for little bug.

You can play this game at home by getting a small object and hiding it under different colored cups.  You can then it under the (color) cup???  You can lift the cup and help your child answer yes or no.  You can incorporate the use of the word "not" by adding it's NOT under the (color) cup.

Friday, September 18, 2015

A Bug is On My......

A Bug is On My......

This week for Large Group we continued to work on saying the "b" sound in words.  We sang I'm Bringing Home a Baby Bumblebee and practiced saying the "b" sound in the words baby, bumble and bee.
To help us learn body parts and practice following commands, we played a game called A Bug is on My.....   We each had a bug to hold and we went around the circle and everyone got to take a turn choosing which body part the bug was going to be on.  We sang a song to the tune of Farmer in the Dell that went like this:

A bug is on my toe, a bug is on my toe.
Hi Ho I wish he'd go.  A bug is on my toe.

We identified the body part that was chosen and sang the song for each body part.  We learned some body parts some of us did not know like elbow, wrist, waist, shoulder, ankle and forehead.

You can practice the "b" sound at home by singing I'm Bringing Home A Baby Bumblebee.  You can also practice identifying body parts and following commands by playing Simon Says and asking your child to point to different parts of their body.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Bugs, Bugs, Bugs

This week in Large Group, we talked about bugs.  We talked about how the word "bug" starts with the "B" sound.  We sang a song called I Love Bugs.  In the song it talks about different colored bugs and it talks about how they are yucky.  
We noticed that when we were outside BUGS came into our classroom and hid.  We went on a bug hunt so we could find them and put them in a cage.  Each bug had a picture of a word that started with the "B" sound on it's back.  We practiced saying words that started with the "B" sound.  
We looked at the pictures and talked about the different bugs we saw in the book Bugs, Bugs, Bugs by Bob Barner. We even tried to act out how the different bugs we saw would move.  If you want to practice saying the "B" sound by reading some bug books at home you can try to check out the following books from the library or search them on YouTube for an online reading:
Bugs, Bugs, Bugs by Bob Barner
Bugs Galore by Peter Stein
I Like Bugs by Margaret Wise Brown
The Grouchy Ladybug by Eric Carle

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Bouncing Sound

"B" is the Bouncing Sound

This month we are going to be working on the "B" sound or the bouncing sound.  We have practiced saying the "B" sound while moving our arms like bouncing a ball, while moving our knees bouncing up and down and while jumping up and down.  

We have talked about different objects that start with the "B" sound and practiced saying them.  We are going to read some books this month that have the "B" sound in them and sing some songs with the "B" sound like, Bouncy, Bouncy, Bouncy , Bubblegum, Bringing Home a Baby Bumblebee and I Love Bugs. 

Some activities you can do at home that will give your child many opportunities to practice using the "b" sound are:
-Play with stuffed animals or dolls and have your child say "bye" to each animal or baby.
-Set up a play store by finding objects around home you can "sell".  Ask your child to shop by saying "buy" for each item he or she chooses.
-Roll or toss a ball to your child.  Have him or her say "ball" as they catch it and again as they toss it or roll it back.
-Play toy cars or trucks with your child.  Encourage him or her to say "beep" every time your vehicle gets in the way of his or her car or truck.
-Read the story Goldilocks and The Three Bears or read the book The Wheels on the Bus.  While you are reading talk about what you see, ask your child what he or she thinks will happen as they look at the pictures.  Name the things you see in the pictures emphasizing the "b" sound.

Welcome to Preschool!!!

Welcome to Preschool 2015-2016

Welcome to preschool or welcome back if you are a returning student.  I am so happy to be back again this year working with all of your cute kiddos on their Speech and Language Skills.  I will try to update our class blog weekly so you can see the speech and language activities we have been working on in class.  

How Should We Move???

For our first Large Group of the year, we talked about different ways we can move our bodies.  In Preschool, we take turns choosing how we should transition from one activity to another during the day.  Sometimes we choose to move like a dinosaur or a cat and other times we choose to skip, jump or twirl.  We took turns drawing out pictures from our magic red box and then moving like the picture.  We marched, skipped, jumped and twirled.  We moved like a car, a butterfly and an airplane. We also talked about following the leader and watching to see what they do and then doing it.  We sang the song Do As I'm Doing and followed our teachers as they moved in different ways.  We also played the game Monkey in the Middle.  We each had a turn to be the monkey in the middle and choose the way we wanted to move and our friends followed us.  
This activity helped us work on following directions, answering "wh" questions, using words to express wants and needs and understanding and using action words.
You can practice these concepts at home by playing following the leader and taking turns choosing how to move.