Welcome to Preschool 2015-2016
Welcome to preschool or welcome back if you are a returning student. I am so happy to be back again this year working with all of your cute kiddos on their Speech and Language Skills. I will try to update our class blog weekly so you can see the speech and language activities we have been working on in class.
How Should We Move???
For our first Large Group of the year, we talked about different ways we can move our bodies. In Preschool, we take turns choosing how we should transition from one activity to another during the day. Sometimes we choose to move like a dinosaur or a cat and other times we choose to skip, jump or twirl. We took turns drawing out pictures from our magic red box and then moving like the picture. We marched, skipped, jumped and twirled. We moved like a car, a butterfly and an airplane. We also talked about following the leader and watching to see what they do and then doing it. We sang the song Do As I'm Doing and followed our teachers as they moved in different ways. We also played the game Monkey in the Middle. We each had a turn to be the monkey in the middle and choose the way we wanted to move and our friends followed us.
This activity helped us work on following directions, answering "wh" questions, using words to express wants and needs and understanding and using action words.
You can practice these concepts at home by playing following the leader and taking turns choosing how to move.
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