This week in Large Group we played with the parachute. We took some pretend snowballs and dumped them on the parachute and said a rhyme while we tried to shake the snowballs to the ground.
The rhyme went like this:
Snowball, snowball cold and round.
Snowball, snowball hit the ground.
After we shook the snowballs to the ground a few times, we played another game where we counted so many shakes and then went under the parachute.
We took turns telling our friends how many times we would shake the parachute before we went under.
We had a lot of fun going under the parachute!!!
This activity helped us follow directions and use words in phrases. We also worked on understanding the preposition under, answering yes/no questions and answering "wh" questions.
You can play parachute games at home by using a sheet or blanket. You can ask your child how many times you should shake the blanket before you go under. When you are under, point out that you are "under" the parachute to work on understanding the concept "under".