This week for Large Group, we continued to work on saying the "B" sound in words by singing the
Bouncy, Bouncy, Bouncy Song
When we sing this song, we stand up and bend our knees and bounce. We also use our hands to sign the words stop, wait and go while we sing.
We also played the game Monkeys Jumping on the Bed. This activity helped us work on math because we counted how many "monkeys" (kids in the class) were jumping on the bed. We also used math to determine how many monkeys were left after one fell off the bed. We worked on answering "wh" questions and using "ing" words in phrases. We also were given opportunities to make choices by choosing what action the monkeys were going to do on the bed. We didn't just jump, we ran in place, marched, clapped, shrugged, skipped, twirled and hopped. We each had a turn to choose an action. If we couldn't think of one on our own, we used the GoTalk to help us.
After we fell off the bed, we got to help the doctors tell Mama, "No more monkeys jumping on the bed." If we weren't able to say the whole phrase, we could use the Big Mac switch to help us.
You can play the Monkeys Jumping on the Bed game at home with family or friends. The monkeys don't just have to jump on the bed, they can twirl or hop or skip. You can take turn choosing the action. You can help your child with math skills by having them count how many monkeys are jumping and how many are left when one falls off the bed. You can also help your child use short phrases by having them repeat the words of the game.