Last week for Large Group, we reviewed the "s" sound and sang songs about "snow". We played some snowman games. We played Ring Around the Snowman, 10 Little Snowmen and Snowman Hokey Pokey.
To play Ring Around the Snowman, it's just like Ring Around the Rosies except you hold hands and move in a circle around a snowman.
As we moved around the snowman, we sang;
Ring around the snowman,
Pocket full of snow.
Snowflakes, snowflakes,
We all fall down.
After we played it a couple times, we took turns deciding if we should sing the song fast, slow, high, low, in a whisper or really loud. This activity helped us use our words in phrases. It also helped us work on following directions and answering "wh" questions.
We also played 10 Little Snowmen. To play this game, we pretended to be snowmen. We talked about how when the sun comes out, snowmen melt. We counted how many "snowmen" we had on our rug and then said the following rhyme:
10 little snowmen having lots of fun.
The sun came out and melted some.
Now (child or children's names) is/are all done.
When we said the part about he sun melting some, Teacher Heidi took some of our pictures off the board and if our picture disappeared that meant we melted to the ground. After we melted we then counted how many snowmen were left and did the rhyme again. This helped us with our math skills as we subtracted each time snowmen melted to figure out how many were still left. We also worked on the "who" question by answering Teacher Heidi when she said, "Who melted?"
We also played Snowmen Pokey. This game is played just like Hokey Pokey, but we would say "do the snowman pokey" at the end. This helped us work on naming and identifying body parts and moving our bodies to a beat. We each got a turn to say which body part we were going to put in and out of the circle. We used our hands, arms, knees, legs, hips, heads, hair, noses, feet, elbows and even our cheeks.
You can play any of these games with your family at home.