Thursday, March 30, 2017

Little Frog Little Frog

This week for Large Group, we played a game focusing on understanding and using the word "IN" as well as, asking and answering questions, making predictions, drawing conclusions and understanding colors.

We met Little Frog who sometimes goes "IN" logs in the pond to cool off and take a break.  We played a game where Teacher Heidi hid Little Frog in a colored log and we all had a chance to guess what color log we thought Little Frog was hiding in. 


If we needed some support in choosing our color, we could point to the log we thought the frog was hiding in and if we needed some support saying the rhyme with the class, we could point to the words on the Boardmaker Page.

After we chose the color log we thought Little Frog was hiding in, we said the following rhyme while tapping our knees...

Little Frog, Little Frog, are you IN the (color) log?

If we guessed right, we would say YES, he's IN the (color) log.  
If we guessed wrong, we would say NO, he's NOT IN the (color) log.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Little Green Lost His Voice

This week for Large Group, we met Little Green Frog.  Little Green Frog had a BIG PROBLEM!! He lost his voice and could not say RIBBIT.  He asked all of his friends in the pond for help and finally Timmy Turtle was able to help Little Green SLOWLY say RIBBIT!!!  YAY we were so happy.

After we heard the story about Little Green, we played a game where we practiced saying different sounds as a way to help Little Green find his voice.
We took turns choosing what sound we were going to practice and what action we would do while we practiced it.  We could choose from one of Teacher Heidi's sounds or actions or think of one of our own.

We practiced the G, S, T, D, M, O, E, SH, CH, B, P sounds just to name a few and we practiced them while clapping, stomping our feet, tapping our knees, shaking our hips, jumping and bouncing.  We sang the following song for this activity...

MM (or whatever sound we chose) said the Little Green Frog one day;
MM said the Little Green Frog.
MM said the Little Green Frog one day,
but we all know frogs say RIBBIT!!

When we got to the RIBBIT part, we jumped just like a frog.  For some of our friends that have a hard time using words, they were able to use the Big Mac switch to help them say RIBBIT.

We had a lot of fun helping Little Green Frog find his voice!

Monday, March 20, 2017

Pass the Beanbag

Image result for kids playing bean bag games

This week for Large Group we played bean bag games.  We talked about different things we could do with the bean bags and when Teacher Heidi said, "GO" we threw the bags, caught the bags and moved them from one hand to another.

We played a game where we chose a classmate to toss the bean bag to.  We would say their name and then Teacher Heidi would say "GO" and we would toss the bag to the friend we named.  

We also played a game called "Pass It"  where we learned stop and go.  We learned what it means to "pass" something to the person "next to you".  We sang this song as we passed the bean bag...
Pass it, pass it, pass it;
Pass it, pass it, pass it;
Pass it, pass it, pass it;
Now let's stop...

When we stopped, we would look to see if we still had the same color bean bag after we had passed it.

Monday, March 13, 2017


This week Large Group was all about the word GO.  We sang the song, Go In My Car and used our hands to sign the word "GO" as we sang.  
We looked at and talked about the book Go Dog Go by P.D. Eastman.  We talked about how the dogs were GOing in and out, up and down and around.  

Image result for go dog go

We played a STOP AND GO game.  We took turns choosing an action and we listened and watched for Teacher Heidi to show us the GO sign and say GO and we did the action until we saw the STOP sign and heard her say STOP.  We marched, ran in place, few like a bird, acted like a monkey, clapped, buzzed like a bee and turned in a circle.  If we couldn't say the words for the action we wanted to do, we used the GoTalk to choose.

Image result for go talk

Friday, March 3, 2017

"G" The Frog Sound

The "G" Sound-The Frog Sound

For the month of March, we are working on the "g" or the Frog Sound.  This sound is made by keeping your tongue back and using your voice to say "g".  If you put your hand on your neck when you say this sound, you can feel your voice vibrating to make the sound.  
We practiced saying the "g" sound by itself and in words.  This month we are going to be singing the Go In My Car song because it helps us practice saying "g" in the word "go".  When we sing the song, we use our hands to sign the word "go" as we sing.  Ask your child to show you how to use their hands to say the word "go".
You can work on this sound as home with some of the following activities:
-Have a race between cars.  Ask your child to say "go" at the beginning of each race.
-Set up a goal and kick a ball through it.  Ask your child to say "goal" each time a goal is made.
-Play with toy cars and trucks.  Model the word "gas" by going to get "gas" in the car or truck.
-Have your child put gum balls into a container saying "gum" for each one.
-Practice the word "gone" by having your chid say "all gone" when a snack is finished or when toys get put away or when a family member leaves.

If I Were A Doggie

If I Were A Doggie

This week for Large Group, we played a game called, If I Were A Doggie.  This game helped us work on using the "d" sound in phrases.  It also helped us work on using phrases to make choices, following directions and using verbs in phrases.  To play the game, we sang a little song to the tune of The More We Get Together.  The song goes like this....
If I were a doggie, a doggie, a doggie.
If I were a doggie then here's what I'd do....
We each got a turn to choose a "doggy action" from the cards pictured above or we could think of our own action.  We sat, panted, played dead, rolled over, dug, barked, begged, shook, jumped, bowed and chased our tails.
You can work on this at home by pretending to be an animal too.  You can let your child pick different actions to do and then verbalize what you are doing or what you did.  By talking about it, you are modeling using present and past tense verbs in phrases.