Thursday, April 27, 2017

Chicken Chicken Your Egg You Can't Find

This week for Large Group we talked about chickens and eggs.  We looked at a book that had many different types of birds and eggs.  We talked about how they are the same and how they are different.  Some eggs are really big, while others are small.  Some eggs are a plain color, while others have speckles.  We looked at some pictures that showed a baby chick trying to hatch.  We then played a game where everyone sat in a circle and we took turns being the chicken that got to sit in the middle.  Everyone would close their eyes and Teacher Heidi would put a big egg behind someone.  When we opened our eyes, we would all say "Chicken, chicken your egg you can't find, somebody has it, check BEHIND....".  The chicken in the middle would then go to his friends in the circle and ask them, "Do you have my egg?".  This game helped us work on learning what behind means.  It also helped us learn how to ask and answer a yes/no question.

Emotion Game

  Last week of  in Large Group, we played the Emotion Game.  Before we played, we reviewed the story of Emo Egg and talked about some of the emotions that Emo felt and how his face looked.  We then stood in a circle and we used our emotion and action dice to play the game.  One friend tossed the emotion dice to tell us how we were going to feel and another friend tossed the action dice to tell us what we were going to do.  We sang about the emotion and did the action to an adapted version of the song, If You're Happy and You Know It.  We sang...if you're happy, happy, happy clap your hands.  If you're happy, happy, happy clap your hands.  If you're happy clap your hands, if you're happy clap your hands, if you're happy, happy, happy clap your hands.  
We sang different words and did different actions to the song depending on what happened when we threw the dice.  We sang about being mad, scared, tired, sad, surprised and happy.  We growled, jumped, shouted hooray, clapped our hands, took a nap and stomped our feet. 
You can play this game at home by thinking of an emotion and asking your child what action they think would go with that emotion.  You can sing the song and do the action together.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Emo Egg


This week for Large Group, we met Emo Egg.  Emo goes to preschool just like we do.  We heard a story about Emo's day at preschool and we learned about different emotions he felt and how his face looked when he felt them.  We practiced making those emotions with our faces.  
You can play an emotion game at home by showing your child different emotions on your face and have them guess how you might be feeling.  You can switch places and have them show the emotions on their face and you have to guess.