This week for Large Group, we played the game Who Has The Doggy Bone?
This game helped us work on using the /d/ sound in words. It also helped us work on asking and answering "who" and "yes/no" questions. We talked about how dogs like to chew bones and how sometimes, they hide their bones. We talked about how our friend Tiny Tony wanted to know "who" had his bone. We hid our eyes while Teacher Heidi put the dog bone behind one of the kids in the circle. When we opened our eyes, we tapped our knees while we chanted....(to the tune of Farmer in the Dell)
"Who has the doggy bone? Who has the doggy bone" Who, who who, who has the doggy bone?"
We then took turns guessing WHO we thought had the doggy bone. If we had the bone, we said "YES" if we didn't have the bone, we said "NO".
You can play this game at home by hiding an object and using questions to get hints on where the object might me. This will help your child work on attributes (it's under something red or big) and prepositions (it's on, next to, under, behind etc..). This will also help your child work on asking questions and answering questions.