Friday, February 23, 2018

Who Has The Doggy Bone??

This week for Large Group, we played the game Who Has The Doggy Bone?
This game helped us work on using the /d/ sound in words.  It also helped us work on asking and answering "who" and "yes/no" questions. We talked about how dogs like to chew bones and how sometimes, they hide their bones.  We talked about how our friend Tiny Tony wanted to know "who" had his bone.  We hid our eyes while Teacher Heidi put the dog bone behind one of the kids in the circle.  When we opened our eyes, we tapped our knees while we chanted....(to the tune of Farmer in the Dell)
"Who has the doggy bone? Who has the doggy bone" Who, who who, who has the doggy bone?"
We then took turns guessing WHO we thought had the doggy bone.  If we had the bone, we said "YES" if we didn't have the bone, we said "NO".  
You can play this game at home by hiding an object and using questions to get hints on where the object might me.  This will help your child work on attributes (it's under something red or big) and prepositions (it's on, next to, under, behind etc..).  This will also help your child work on asking questions and answering questions. 

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Valentine Yoga

This week for Large Group, we worked on following directions, understanding prepositions and identifying body parts by doing Valentine Yoga.
Image result for kids doing yoga
We took turns choosing cards that had yoga poses on them and then following directions to move our body to make that pose.  We did a cupid pose, an arrow pose, a balloon pose, a heart pose, a special delivery pose, a secret admirer pose and a gift pose.  
As we made each pose we worked on identifying body parts and prepositions. For example, to make some of the different poses we had to put our hands UNDER our ANKLES, move one of our FEET BEHIND us and put our ARMS out to the SIDE etc..

We had a lot of fun listening, following directions and moving our bodies.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Animal Movement and Sound

This past week in Large Group we talked about animals.  We talked about how they move and what sounds they make.  We took turns choosing an animal and then showing the class how we thought that animal would move or sound and then we all pretended to be that animal.
Image result for animals
We pretended to be kangaroos, elephants, snakes, monkeys, dogs, cats, penguins, birds and butterflies.  We worked on using "ing" words as we described what action we were doing.  We also worked on following directions as well as, pretending and moving our bodies.
You can play this game at home by taking turns choosing animals and pretending to be them.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

"D" The Raindrop Sound

The Raindrop Sound

This month we are working on the /d/ or raindrop sound. The /d/ sound is made by putting the tip of your tongue up on the bump behind your top teeth and using your voice to say /d/.  This sound is made the same way as the /t/ sound except you use your voice with /d/ and turn your voice off for /t/.  Have your child practice saying /d/ and /t/ to help them learn the difference between using their voice and turning their voice off.  The visual cue for this sound is made by tapping the index finger of your right hand into the palm of your left hand.  Ask your child to show you how to make the raindrop sound.

Body Parts

This week for Large Group, we learned about the names for different parts of our bodies.  We worked on identifying body parts by showing that body part when Teacher Heidi named it.  So, if she said show me your head, we touched our head.  We talked about how our bodies can bend.  We named different body parts that could bend and we moved them.  We also sang the song Hinges and bent different body parts as we sang it.
To work on naming body parts, we played Hokey Pokey.  We each got to take a turn naming a part of our body that we were going to sing about while we did the Hokey Pokey.  Some of the body parts that we sang about were our backs, our bellies, our shoulders, our elbows, our legs, our feet, our hands, our fingers, our heads, our hips, our toes etc...
We also sang Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.  We sang it fast and slow, loud and soft.
You can work on identifying and naming body parts at home by playing Hokey Pokey and singing Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes too.