Friday, January 9, 2015

If It's Snowing and You're Cold

This week for large group we talked about the "s" or snake sound.  We talked about things that start with the "s" sound.  One of the things that we talked about was SNOW.  We talked about what things we needed to wear to stay warm in the snow.  We talked about boots, coats, scarves, snow pants, sweaters, hats, mittens and gloves.  We also talked about where on our bodies we would wear each item.  We looked at some mittens and some gloves and talked about how they are the same and how they are different.  We played a game where we picked out an item of clothing and then sang a song about that item.  The song is to the tune of "If You're Happy and You Know It", but it's called "If It's Snowing and You're Cold".  

We also read and talked about the pictures in the book The Jacket I Wear In The Snow by Shirley Neitzel.  As we read the story, we dressed a paper doll in the clothes that she needed to be warm while playing in the snow.

You can read this book at home and talk about things you wear in the snow and what part of your body you where them on.  You can check this book out from the public library or there is a reading of it on YouTube if you search the title of the book.

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