This week in Large Group we practiced the raindrop or /d/ sound by talking about "dots" and practicing saying the word "dot". We played a game called "This is My Dot". We each had a dot. We talked about what color we had. We put our dots on the floor and tapped our dot while saying "This is my dot, my dot, my dot". We held our dots in front of us, over our heads, behind us etc... We then put our dots on the floor and played music. When the music was on, we danced and when the music stopped we found a dot to stand on with both of our feet. We chose different actions to do while we stood on our dot and said, "This is my dot, my dot, my dot." We jumped, hopped, clapped our hands, touched our toes, marched and did star jumps. We also looked around the room to see what things we could see in our room that were in the shape of a dot, we also tried to think of other things that would be in that shape. We thought of pizza, doughnuts, balls, the sun, wheels and the clock.
You can talk about dots with your child at home by reading the book Lots of Dots by Craig Frazier.
When reading the book, look at the pictures and talk with your child about the objects that are in the shape of dots and then look around as you are walking or driving and ask your child to name what they see around them in the shape of dots.