Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Snowmen Songs and Games

To finish up the month of January, we played some snowman games and sang some snowman songs in Large Group.

We did The Snowman Pokey and we sang Ring Around The Snowman.  We sang Ring Around The Snowman slow and fast and loud and soft.  

We read the book The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats.  We looked at the pictures and talked about what we thought was happening.  We also looked at some other pictures of all the things you can do in the snow and we talked about them too.  

You can read The Snowy Day at home and talk about the pictures.  If you don't have the book, there is an online reading on YouTube if you search the title.  

To work on identifying bod parts and understanding prepositions, we played the snowflake game.

To play this game, we all had a snowflake and we would use our ears to listen to where we needed to put it.  We put the snowflake under our arms, above our heads, next to our ears, by our sides, touching our elbows, behind our backs, in front of our eyes etc....

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