Little Bug, Little Bug
This week in Large Group we practiced saying the "b" sound in the song, Bouncy, Bouncy, Bouncy. We stood up and bounced as we sang the song. We also used our hands to say the words stop, wait and go.
We played a game called Little Bug, Little Bug.
We talked about how bugs are quiet and they like to hide. We looked at some different rugs and used our words to say out loud what color each rug was. We put the little bug on, next to, behind, in front of and under the rug and used our words to say where little bug was. We hid our eyes while Teacher Heidi hid little bug under a rug. We each had a turn to guess which color rug we thought little bug was hiding under. We tapped our hands on our knees while we asked little bug if he was under that color rug. We said these words to little bug....
Little Bug, Little Bug are you under the (guess a color) rug????
Teacher Heidi moved the rug and we looked and said yes we see little bug or no, he's not there. This activity helped us learn to answer yes/no questions, identify colors, identify prepositions, make choices, ask a question and use the word "not". We had a lot of fun looking for little bug.
You can play this game at home by getting a small object and hiding it under different colored cups. You can then it under the (color) cup??? You can lift the cup and help your child answer yes or no. You can incorporate the use of the word "not" by adding it's NOT under the (color) cup.