Friday, September 5, 2014

Bouncing Sound "B"

This month we are working on the "b" sound or the bouncing sound.  We will be practicing saying this sound by itself, in words and in sentences.  When we practice saying the "b" or bouncing sound in preschool, we move our hands like we are bouncing a ball.  We will be singing lots of songs to help us practice the "b" sound.  Some of the songs are; Bouncy  Bouncy Bouncy,  Bus Bike and Boat, Bubblegum, Bye Bye, Baby Fish and Bringing Home A Baby Bumblebee.  When we sing the songs in preschool, we also use our hands to sign some of the words and our bodies to act out some of the words.  
Some activities you can do at home that will give your child many opportunities to practice using the "b" sound are:
-Play with stuffed animals or dolls and have your child say "bye" to each animal or baby.
-Set up a play store by finding objects around home you can "sell".  Ask your child to shop by saying "buy" for each item he or she chooses.
-Roll or toss a ball to your child.  Have him or her say "ball" as they catch it and again as they toss it or roll it back.
-Play toy cars or trucks with your child.  Encourage him or her to say "beep" every time your vehicle gets in the way of his or her car or truck.
-Read the story Goldilocks and The Three Bears or read the book The Wheels on the Bus.  While you are reading talk about what you see, ask your child what he or she thinks will happen as they look at the pictures.  Name the things you see in the pictures emphasizing the "b" sound.

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