Friday, September 5, 2014

Brown Bear, Brown Bear

This week in large group, I introduced my preschool friends to my friend Brown Bear.  Brown Bear starts with the "b" sound that we have been practicing this month.  We read the story Brown  Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?.  We talked about the different animals that Brown Bear saw and we talked about what they looked like.  We practiced answering "wh" questions and putting two words together as the kids told me that Brown Bear saw a "red bird", a "yellow duck" or a "purple horse".  We also worked on our prediction skills as we tried to predict what animal Brown Bear would see next and we practiced recognizing our colors.
After we read through the story the first time, we read it again and the students helped me answer the question of what each animal saw.  We used a GoTalk to help some of us that have a hard time putting two words together.

We had a lot of fun reading and talking about Brown Bear and all of his animal friends.
You can read Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? at home and talk about it too.  If you don't have it you could check it out from the local library or you can watch a reading of it on YouTube just search Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See read aloud.

After we read the story, we practiced saying the "b" or bouncing sound.  We thought of words that start with that sound and we sang the song Bouncy, Bouncy, Bouncy.  We learned how to use our hands for sign language for the words "stop" and "wait".  Ask your child to teach you the Bouncy, Bouncy, Bouncy song.

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